Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July and fireworks

There's a group of young people who I like to ride bikes with. They're not what anyone would call hardcore bikers. I'm not a hardcore biker. Riding a bicycle, for me, is a relaxing form of enjoyment. I'm not into spandex or emulating someone by putting on a colorful costume of sorts. Because we all have our jobs, it's necessary to meet up and ride in the evening time. Our fitness ride is generally around twenty miles in length, along a river's side. There's a trail, constructed by the city, in which I live, that runs along its length. Its flat and flat-out fun.
Last night we met up to ride downtown to view the fireworks. The greatest part of the joy of that, is just getting there. We ascended a parking garage in the hopes of getting an unobstructed view of the show. While we waited, there was a youthful charge in the air, with all the people in eager expectation of the fireworks. Standing on the top floor of the garage, overlooking the streets, I watched the traffic in an unbroken stream of cars passing below. It felt almost like Christmas, what with the illumination of their tail lights and the mad rush of people trying to get somewhere, somewhat unsuccessfully. I enjoyed it immensely. I hope all is well with you.
Get out and ride a bike. Enjoy your life now, for now is all we have. If there are things happening that overshadow your life in a negative way, try to slice out the little moments of enjoyment and savor those.
Peace and love.


  1. After riding the bike, my pick-up feels some awkward and cumbersome. Moving through congested areas like that with a bike reinforces the feeling of freedom. I glad you were able to enjoy it.

  2. It sounds like a good time. I had to work today otherwise I would have gone with you guys.
